
Chico Online Sewer Billing service

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Empower your utility management journey! Access Util360 on the App Store or Google Play Store today Read More ...
If you have already activated or deactivated your water service with CalWater, your sewer account service will be
updated accordingly.
To activate your water account or for any water billing questions, visit www.calwater.com. (Contact details are on
your water bill)
Starting July 29, 2024, the City of Chico will implement updated sewer rates. These rates will include winter averages
based on average water consumption during the months of December 2023 through March 2024.
The City's Fee Schedule can be found on the website at chico.ca.us

The web portal will be unavailable from 12:00 PM PST on Sunday, September 17th, 2025 to 10:00 PM PST on Sunday, September 17th, 2025. This period of downtime is to allow the upgrade of the servers infrastructures. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. Kindly inform Customer Service at (888) 530-4360 of any concerns that you may have regarding the planned outage.

Same as CalWater account number
5-digit Mailing Zip Code

What is my Account Number?

Your account number is available in the top right corner of your bill.

Sign Up

Don’t Have A Sewer Account?


How To Scan

The customers enrolled in Face ID, Touch ID, Biometrics, or a password are eligible to sign in using a QR Code.

Scan QR code to Sign In

The QR code is valid for 2 minutes, and the page will refresh after 2 minutes


Sign In with Password


Access Tips Tricks and Guides to Conserve Water and Save Money

Contact Us

    Need Assistance? Please contact:

    Complete the contact form, and we'll reach out to you as soon as possible, or call us toll-free at (888) 530-4360 during Mon - Fri 8.00 AM to 5.00 PM PST.


    To streamline support requests, we use a ticket system. Each request gets a unique number for tracking online, and we keep a complete history of your support. A valid email address and zip code are required to submit a ticket.

    Contact Us

    Please provide as much detail as possible so we can best assist you.

    Contact Us

    Get the Ticket Info by providing the Ticket Number and Account Number

    Privacy Policy

    Website Policy

    Thank you for visiting the official Website of the City of Chico. We are providing this notice to explain our online information practices and the choices you can make about how your information is collected and used by the City of Chico.

    Conditions of Use

    By visiting the City of Chico website, users agree that they will not use the Website for any unlawful activity or use it in any way that would violate the terms and conditions of use. This Website is governed and construed by the laws of the State of California. Any website use shall comply with all City, State, and Federal laws and regulations. Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information on this Website are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under state law and federal statutes, including the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act. We monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information or to cause damage to the City's Website otherwise. Anyone using this Website expressly consents to such monitoring.

    Communications to the City via this Website shall in no way be deemed to constitute legal or official notice to the City of Chico, its agencies, officers, employees, representatives, or agents concerning any existing, pending, or future claim or cause of action against the City of Chico or any of its agencies, officers, employees, representatives or agents where notice is required by Federal, State or local law. Nor shall communications to the City via this Website be deemed to constitute legal or official notice for any other purpose.

    Changes are made periodically to City documents, including the Municipal Code, City Council documents, City regulations, guidelines, and schedules, and these changes may or may not be reflected in the materials or information on this Website. Additionally, because the site is frequently under development, materials and information may be deleted, modified, or moved to a different part of the Website without advance notice.

    Under no circumstances shall the City of Chico be liable for any actions taken or omissions made from reliance on any information contained herein from whatever source, nor shall the City of Chico be responsible for any other consequences from any such reliance.

    The City of Chico is neither responsible nor liable for any viruses or other contamination of your system nor any delays, inaccuracies, errors, or omissions arising out of your use of this Website nor concerning the material contained on this Website, including without limitation, any material posted on the Website. This Website and all materials contained on it are distributed and transmitted "as is" without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of title or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The City of Chico is not responsible for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that may arise from the use of, or the inability to use, the Website and/or the materials contained on the Website, whether the materials contained on the Website are provided by the City of Chico or a third party.

    Links from the City of Chico Website

    The City of Chico permits the establishment of links to external websites on the City's official Website solely in conformance with this website policy. In the establishment and maintenance of its official Website, the City does not intend in any manner to create nor does it make a forum or other means by which public discourse, exchange of opinions, or discussion on issues of any nature may occur. The City is not responsible for, does not endorse, and cannot assure the accuracy of information on these outside websites.

    Organizations wishing to establish external links on the City's Website must submit a request to the webmaster. The request must contain all information necessary to verify the facts as stated and is needed to determine whether the proposed link complies with this policy. The City Manager will review the merits of the requested external link, considering the criteria and examples listed below, to determine whether the link serves the overall purpose of the City's Website. A request will not be denied because of a viewpoint espoused by the person or entity.

    At its discretion, the City may provide links to external sites that fall into one of the following categories:

    • Other governmental agencies. 

    • Utilities

    • Public and private, bonafide educational institutions.

    • Organizations as defined in the Internal Revenue Code §501(c)(6). 

    • According to California, any association located in or managing a location that has received a historical site designation by the City Council. 

    • Public Resources Code 5020 et. seq. 

    • Elected Public Officials.

    • Transportation Agencies

    The City of Chico reserves the right to; 

    1. Deny an external link request to any person, business, or organization when it is determined, following review of a request, that the entity or organization for which the request is made does not meet the criteria outlined in this policy; and/or;

    2. Deny an external link request to any person, business, or organization that fails to provide all required or truthful information.

    Some examples of the type of websites that the City's Website will not provide an external link to websites:

    • Promoting or exhibiting hate, bias, discrimination, pornography; libelous or otherwise defamatory content;

    • Associated with, sponsored by, or serving a candidate for elected office, any political party or organization supporting or seeking to defeat any candidate for elective office or any ballot proposal;

    • Associated with political organizations or other organizations advocating a position on a local, state, or federal issue;

    • Furthering the agenda of a political organization or candidate running for office;

    • Violating any of the City's equal opportunity or norms and values policies;

    • That is individual or personal home pages.

    Removal of External Link from City Website

    The City reserves the right to immediately and without notice to any person or organization:

    1. Remove any external link if the nature of the organization or business to which the link relates no longer complies with the City's external link policy.

    2. Discontinue an external link at any time if the entities' Website provides or promotes hate, bias, discrimination, pornography, false, slanderous, illegal, political (see above examples of websites the City will not link to), or incorrect information at any time.

    3. To revise this policy without prior notice when to do so is deemed to be in the best interests of the City of Chico. 

    Location and Appearance of External Links

    The City reserves the right to determine how and where External links will appear on its Website, i.e., what page the link appears on and where it is placed.


    The City Seal, brand, and banner are the City of Chico trademarks. Any use of the materials stored on the City's Website is prohibited without the written permission of the City of Chico. The City of Chico retains all intellectual property rights, including copyrights on all text, graphic images, and other content. This means that the following acts or activities are prohibited without prior written permission from the City of Chico:

    1. Modification and/or re-use of text, images, or other website content from a City server

    2. Distribution of the City's website content

    3. "Mirroring" the City's information on a non-City server

    Third-Party Materials

    Some materials and information used on the City of Chico's website were generated by third parties who have consented to the City's use or placement of such materials on this site. Those parties own these materials. Use of these third-party materials for any purpose is prohibited. Persons seeking to use or modify third-party materials for any purpose should contact the owner of such materials directly. These materials include icons and graphics used in links to other organizations' sites and various items of general content.

    Disclaimer of Endorsement

    Some of the links made available through the City of Chico's website will allow you to leave the City's site. Please be aware that the Internet sites available through these links and the materials you may find at those sites are not provided by, endorsed by, or controlled by the City of Chico. Therefore, the City cannot and does not make any representation to you about these sites or the materials available on the sites. The fact that you may be able to access these additional sites from the City's Website is not an endorsement or recommendation by the City of any of these sites or any material found there. The City is providing these links only as a convenience to you, and your access to these additional sites is done at your own risk.

    General Disclaimer

    The materials and information contained on or obtained from this Website are distributed and transmitted "AS IS" without warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of title or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Information on this Website, including information obtained from external links, is provided without any representation of accuracy or content and should be verified by the user. The City of Chico is not responsible for any general, direct, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that may arise from the use of, or the inability to use, the Website and/or the materials contained on the site, whether the materials contained on the Website are provided by the City of Chico or a third party.

    Indemnification/Hold Harmless

    By using the City's Website, the user agrees to indemnify or hold harmless the City of Chico for any occurrence resulting from an act of the user's use of the City's Website. The City will take all reasonable precautions to safeguard the confidentiality of user information but is not liable for any injury caused by the disclosure of that information, whether caused by security breach, accident, inadvertence, or any other act resulting in disclosure.

    Links to the City of Chico's Website

    Advance permission to link to the City's Website is optional. However, the organization linking to the City of Chico's website should understand that content and internal web links may change at any time without notice.

    Entities and individuals shall not link to the City's Website nor capture pages within frames and present the City's website content as its own or otherwise misrepresent this Website's content or misinform users about the origin or ownership of its content.

    Privacy and Security Policy

    Privacy Statement

    The City of Chico ("City") is committed to protecting the privacy of the individuals utilizing the City's Website; however, personal information submitted to the City's Website may be subject to disclosure according to various California laws, including, but not limited to, the California Civil Discovery Act of 1986 and the California Public Records Act. The City may share such information with other agencies if

    1. The information relates to that agency,

    2. To protect the interests of others,

    3. To protect and defend the rights or property of the City, or

    4. As otherwise provided by law.

    The City's Website contains links to other sites. Please be aware that the City is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each Website that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by the City's Website.

    The City of Chico does not use its Website to:

    • Collect personal information for commercial marketing. The City will not send you unsolicited emails regarding any commercial offers or advertisements at any time.

    • Create individual profiles with the information provided by users of this site, nor does it give such personal information to third parties or private organizations. The City does not track personal information about individuals and their visits.

    The City of Chico does use its Website to:

    • Collect personal information to respond to a user's request or input or to complete an online transaction. Suppose a user chooses to provide the City with personal information, such as by emailing a City employee or by filling out and submitting an online form on the City's Website. In that case, the City may use that information to respond to the user's message and to assist in obtaining information the user may have requested. The City treats emails submitted by a user the same way it treats letters to the City. The City will not share email addresses submitted by users through the City's Website.

    • Provide electronic commerce capabilities should users provide personal and/or payment information while using the City's Website. Such information may be collected, processed, and disclosed to complete an online transaction and for record-keeping activities such as billing, permits, licenses, and other business-related purposes.

    • Collect usage statistics for site management, such as assessing what information is most interesting, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance issues. The information does not identify you personally. The following information about your visit is collected:

    • The Internet domain and/or IP address from which you access the City's Website;

    • The type of browser and operating system used to access the City's Website;

    • The date and time of the visit;

    • The pages visited; and

    • If you link to the City's Website from another website, the address of that Website.

    The City's Website may transfer information to your computer through cookies or other technology. Using cookies or similar technology is an industry standard and does not personally identify users, although they do identify a user's computer. Cookies or similar technology can make the Internet more useful by storing information about your preferences on a particular site. If preferred, you can configure your browser to refuse cookies. However, you may not be able to take full advantage of the City's Website if you do so.

    Security Statement

    The City Website utilizes encryption technology. However, the user should not assume that information submitted to the City Web server would be treated as confidential (See above Privacy Statement). If a user submits information to the City's server through a web page containing visible indicators of active encryption technology, the City will take all reasonable precautions to safeguard the confidentiality of such information.

    Web Accessibility Guidelines

    The City of Chico is committed to providing all residents, visitors, and business customers equal access to its electronic information technologies and services. As the World Wide Web has become an essential means by which we provide information and conduct transactions with our community, our goal is to provide information and services in ways that work effectively for all.

    It is one of our goals to continually improve the Web site to achieve compliance with the latest standards in functionality and universal accessibility. We follow the federal ADA Section 508 rules.

    Tools for Blind & Visually Impaired Users

    Adobe, the makers of Acrobat and Acrobat Reader, have developed tools to assist blind and visually impaired users. Please visit the Adobe Accessibility area for more information. Please note that the tools designed to create simple HTML documents easily read by standard speech-synthesis software will not retain the graphic images or text formatting of an original Adobe PDF.

    What is my Account Number?

    Your account number is available in the top right corner of your bill.

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    ACH Help

    Terms & Conditions

    if you browse or access any content or data on our website, you agree to be bound by our terms and conditions. The City of Chico may change the terms and conditions at any time by putting in new terms and conditions, and your use of the website is acceptance of those terms.

    As a condition of your use of Chico.util360.com or any services on Chico.util360.com, you warrant to the City of Chico that you will not use Chico.util360.com for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms and conditions or any other terms, conditions or notices appearing anywhere on Chico.util360.com. You agree to abide by all applicable laws and regulations. In particular, you agree not to:

    • Use Chico.util360.com to defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise offend others.

    • Publish, distribute, email, transmit or disseminate any material which is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, indecent, offensive, or inappropriate.

    • Use any automated scripting tools or software.

    • Engage in or promote surveys, contests, pyramid schemes, chain letters, unsolicited emailing, or spamming via Chico.util360.com.

    • Impersonate any person or entity.

    • Upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available using chico.util360.com any material that you do not have a right to make available under any law or contractual obligation or which contains viruses or other computer codes, files, or programs designed to interrupt, limit or destroy the functionality of other computer software or hardware.

    • Breach any applicable laws or regulations.

    The City of Chico has no obligation to monitor any user's use of Chico.util360.com. However, the City of Chico always retains the right to monitor, maintain and disclose any information necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request. The City of Chico can amend or delete any inaccurate, inappropriate, or unlawful content.

    You will indemnify the City of Chico if the City of Chico or its related bodies suffer any loss or damage or incur any costs in connection with any breach of these conditions or any other legal obligation by you or your use of or conduct on the Chico.util360.com.


    This statement applies to user interactions with the City of Chico's website. While care is taken to ensure accuracy, the City of Chico (the City) cannot guarantee that the information expressed here is correct and recommends that users exercise their skill and care concerning its use

    The City makes every effort to ensure that the content of our websites is accurate and up to date and makes no warranty or undertaking, whether expressed or implied nor does it assume any legal liability, whether direct or indirect.

    Links to Other Sites

    References and links to other websites are for informational purposes only and should not be considered an endorsement of those sites, the information, views, opinions, or standards they provide.

    The City is not responsible for the relevance, accuracy, currency, and reliability of information found on those sites.

    Third-Party Content

    Third parties supply some of the information provided on this website.

    All users must understand that third-party information is not provided or endorsed by us and that your legal relationship is with the third-party supplier. Please be aware that we have not necessarily checked third-party content.


    Listing a person or organization in any part of this website in no way implies any form of endorsement by the City of the products or services provided by that person or organization.


    The Council of the City of Chico copyrights this website's information, text, graphics, photographs, files, audio, and video content. Australian and international copyright and trademark laws protect the content.

    The content is intended for general use and information. The information and files on the site may be downloaded, stored in a cache, displayed, and printed. Content must not be modified, copied, reproduced, or republished except with the written authorization of the City of Chico.

    We offer our customers convenient tools to make payments, manage your account and stay on top of your energy use. It's easy to get started..

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    Pay Online

    Experience hassle-free bill payments from home with our user-friendly online payment platform. Payment reflects in your account immediately transaction acceptance.

    Quick pay
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    Easy way to pay your sewer bill with our new Automatic Bill Payment (ABP) service. Your Sewer bill due amount will be automatically deducted from your financial Bank/Credit-Union account.

    Enroll Now
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    Pay By Check

    Submit your payment by check using the enclosed envelope and remittance stub.

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    Mobile Access

    You can access the Chico Sewer Billing portal (www.chico.util360.com) from your mobile phone and pay your bills.

    Need help? We're always here for You!


    The fastest way to get help. Start the chat now for instant help and information.

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    Email / Contact Us

    Questions or comments? Email one of our customer service representatives.

    Contact Us


    For assistance contact: (888) 530-4360 Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PST

    Call Now

    Support Ticket

    Do you want to submit a ticket? Open a new ticket or check the status of the open ticket.


    Learn More

    What is my Account Number?

    Your account number is available in the top right corner of your bill.

    Sign Up
    Credit Card Help
    ACH Help

    What is my Account Number?

    Your account number is available in the top right corner of your bill.

    Sign Up

    What is my Account Number?

    Your account number is available in the top right corner of your bill.

    Sign Up

    Simplify Utility Management with Util360

    Your go-to app for effortless sewer account management. Download now for seamless bill payments, timely alerts, real-time support, and personalized insights.

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    Download Mobile App

    Discover how Util360 enhances your utility management experience, offering convenience, simplicity, and peace of mind. Join us on a journey to explore the features and benefits of Util360, and see why it's the go-to app for City of Chico's utility customers.

    Simplify Utility Management with Util360

    Your go-to app for effortless sewer account management. Download now for seamless bill payments, timely alerts, real-time support, and personalized insights.

    Contact Us
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    Stay Informed with Bill Summary

    Util360 provides a comprehensive bill summary, allowing you to track your usage and understand your charges with ease. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to clarity with our detailed bill summaries.

    Never Miss a Beat with Alerts and Notifications

    With Util360, you'll never miss an important update. Receive timely alerts on upcoming due dates, payment confirmations, and crucial account updates straight to your device. Stay informed, stay ahead.

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    Contact Us

    Real-Time Support, Right at Your Fingertips

    Need assistance? Util360 offers real-time support through chat, ensuring that help is always just a message away. Our dedicated support team is here to address your queries and provide solutions promptly.

    Track Your Usage and Payment History

    Gain valuable insights into your usage patterns and payment history with Util360. Access your monthly bills and payment history effortlessly, allowing you to track your usage over time.

    Contact Us
    Contact Us

    Access Bill Summaries Anytime, Anywhere

    With Util360, access your bill summaries whenever you need them. Whether you're at home or on the go, our app ensures that your account information is always at your fingertips for easy reference.